Albert’s Story



What happens when your father leaves your mother and 6 siblings?

If you have drive and dreams, you overcome — with the help of family, friends and community.

Albert Kamenye was that boy, next to youngest in the family. His mother managed to keep them in school until they reached 8th grade, but with so many children, she had no money to continue their schooling. A helpful young teacher at Sishekanu School introduced Albert to WISE, which supported him through 2013, when he graduated from high schoool with good grades.

WISE Zambia was not offering college scholarships at that point, so Albert worked to finance college on his own by opening a stand in the market, selling shoes and clothing. He saved for 2 years and was accepted at Mongu College of Education. At the end of his first year, his savings exhausted, he was back at the market stall selling shoes. Maggie found him and immediately contacted the WISE Board, asking to include Albert in our current scholarship program. WISE agreed!

Albert completed his studies in 2018, found temporary work in Lusaka until he finally graduated in July at age 26 with a diploma in primary education. On August 1, 2019, he was hired as WISE Zambia’s Educational Coordinator/Administrative Assistant! “To find a place working for the organization that got me to where I am is a real joy.”

Now earning a steady salary, Albert has bought a cow for his mother to use for plowing, rather than by hand, “so she can eat more than one meal per day.” The future: A bachelor’s degree while continuing to help his family, and be part of WISE’s growth throughout the Western Province. “My education was a difficult one, but I knew that if I was just determined to get an education, I will get to where I want to be.” We know he will!

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