Education Dream Fulfilled


In 1997, Lusaka, Zambia, young Given Kachepa faced the same plight as many youth in Zambia—how to continue school beyond the 7th grade. Education is free in Zambia through the 7th grade, but all schools, including public, charge tuition for 8th grade and beyond. Many vulnerable students, like Given, end their education and seek ways to survive daily life.

An excellent student, Given learned about an opportunity to sing with an Acapella choir and come to the US to further his education. He tried out for the choir and was delighted to be selected as one of the choir members. Promised was a salary, money to his family, an education and accrued donations to build schools in Zambia.

Sadly, after many months of work, none of the promises became true and his choir was caught as victims of what became known as Labor Human Trafficking.

After being rescued by INS and with the opportunity to continue his education as dreamed, Given remained focused, determined and persevered to graduate from Grapevine High School, earn a BS degree from UNT and ultimately achieved his dream of becoming a dentist graduating from Texas AM Baylor College of Dentistry in 2015. He now owns Inwood Dental, PC in North Dallas.

On January 25, 2020 at 6:00 PM in Grapevine, TX come and hear how Given’s journey parallels the vision of WISE Zambia.


Given was not alone in trying to find ways to finance education following the 8th grade. This issue is particularly acute in rural areas of Zambia—families not only have to figure out how to pay for secondary school tuition, but secondary schools are few and far apart. Thus, the poor rural families must find not only tuition, but room & board as well. Most cannot. For female students, the end of school often means early marriage.


WISE Zambia works in the Western Province of Zambia–Zambia’s poorest province–working with government and traditional leaders to locate vulnerable students who cannot afford to go on to the 8th grade and beyond. Given’s struggle to go to school beyond the 7th grade is not unique. Hear about Brian, who despaired of ever going on high school, walking 27 kilometers to apply for a WISE scholarship, and is now an engineering student at Copperbelt University. Hear about Pelekelo, who walked 7 kilometers one way to school every day (over crocodile-infested streams), but was unable to go on to the 8th grade until she received a WISE scholarship; she is about to begin college, studying surgical nursing.


Enjoy great food, inspiring stories, and excellent comraderie!


Details below. Tickets can be purchased at Eventbrite: