Our Mission










Our Mission

WISE supports empowerment and economic independence for vulnerable children and women in Zambia through educational, economic, and agricultural initiatives.

At present, we fulfill our mission through two main programs: educational empowerment and agricultural self-sufficiency. All of our programs are predicated by the following values:

Self-Determination:  Whether on an individual, family, community, or national level, WISE’s programs are intended to promote true self-determination. It is for that reason that our programs focus on education.


Giving Back:  A critical component of our programs, and particularly those involving our scholarship students, is that none of our students develop a sense of entitlement; in fact, we seek the opposite, a sense of gratitude and desire to “give back” or “pay it forward.”


Long-Term Commitment:  Long-term change requires long-term commitment, both to communities and individuals. Thus, our students are aware that, upon receiving a scholarship, that WISE will support them through their educational careers.


No Ceilings:  A value closely related to long-term commitment, it is our belief that temporal assistance or programs that do not facilitate true economic independence are not truly effective. We work on a “ripple effect” model, believing that enabling our students and clients to achieve economic independence frees them to be part of a stable workforce for Zambia—ensuring the country’s own economic growth—as well as freeing these individuals to provide assistance to their own families and communities.


Cooperation: Programmatic success requires cooperation with all stakeholders, particularly the government, traditional and community leaders, and local educators. Coordinating programs with relevant government agencies, as well as traditional and community leaders, maximizes the likelihood of programmatic success.


Cross-Pollination:  WISE attempts to structure its programs in a manner to obtain maximum benefits for a wide range of constituents. For example, WISE’s agricultural conservation training program began with the families of WISE’s scholarship students; thus, the first training program not only assisted subsistence level families, but had the added benefit of providing additional support for WISE’s scholarship students.



Gift’s Story

Gift, in her own words: “I am a double orphan and found it very difficult to complete my secondary education, but with the intervention of WISE, my hope was rekindled.

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Albert’s Story

What happens when your father leaves your mother and 6 siblings? If you have drive and dreams, you overcome — with the help of family, friends and community.

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Pelekelo’s Story

Pelekelo lived an hour and a half walk from the nearest village and even had to cross a river with crocodiles.

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Beauty’s Story

Beauty is from Luampa District, west of Kaoma, where she grew up as an orphan with four siblings.

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