Future Projects


Our goal is to expand our existing programs, reaching as many deserving students in Zambia as possible – hopefully at the rate of at least 50 more students per year – as well as provide agricultural and vocational training to many more female-headed households.  We also have several specific projects in the short term that will facilitate these objectives.

New design is two-thirds the cost and cooler in the summer

New design is two-thirds the cost and cooler in the summer


Within the next year, we intend to build a Learning Center on our Kaoma Campus.  This Learning Center would include two four classroom blocks, consisting of seven classrooms, including


(1)      a science lab,

(2)     computer facilities,

(3)     kitchen/home economics area, and

(4)     a fully furnished library, as well as administrative office space.



The utility of this Learning Center is its ability to address multiple issues in education in the Kaoma District of Zambia in a single location.  


Specifically, the Center would:


  • Provide a central location for mentoring, counseling, and other group activities for scholarships students from remote villages currently attending local schools;
  • Enable all students at local secondary schools (whether on scholarship or otherwise) to have access to science and computer facilities; and
  • Extend use of classrooms to vulnerable women and families in Kaoma district for vocational, health and language training.


Ultimately, within the next three years, the Learning Center would also become a fully functioning school, with boarding facilities, specifically designed for Grades 8-12 for the most vulnerable of students within the Kaoma District. These students would include those with physical disabilities, female students at risk of being “kidnapped” by family for early marriage, and other students who may need special mentoring in English or other subjects.


Anticipated cost to build and furnish the school (including furniture, computer lab, and science lab): $31,000

The school serving Lukulu today

The school serving Lukulu today


Lukulu is a town about the same size as Kaoma, located approximately 190 kilometers down Highway D792 from Kaoma (with “highway” being used loosely, as the road is unpaved and often impassable without a four-wheel drive during the rainy season). The school (shown in the picture) is located a few kilometers outside of Lukulu.


Within the next two years, we intend to rebuild a new school, including three classroom blocks, enabling classes from grades 1 through 12.  Our vision does not end there. Further, we intend to build boarding facilities at the school to facility scholarship students at the school. Further, we will build, adjacent to the school, our first satellite Women’s Centre, much like the current one in Kaoma, and utilize the Lukulu Centre for administration of the scholarship program in the Lukulu District, as we well as local agricultural and vocational training.


Anticipated cost to build the school (not including dormitory and women’s centre): $27,000


At the newly renovated Women’s Centre, we will soon begin a series of workshops for both students and teachers. The student workshops will focus on creative and artistic endeavors, including creative writing, poetry, painting, photography, and music.


Teacher workshops would be similar to those offered in the United States and elsewhere, providing additional tools and support for teachers, such as active learning, promoting creative thinking, and other topics directly related to challenges facing the Zambian teacher.



The Western Province has a dearth of higher education institutions, with the majority of the colleges and universities in Zambia located in the northern and eastern portions of the country. Within the next ten years, we will purchase land outside of Kaoma, and begin development of a four-year college, providing the highest quality education in education, nursing, engineering and sciences, liberal arts, and business. Ultimately, graduate programs, including medical sciences and law will be added.



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